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Professional Close Protection

Our Main And All Priority YOUR SAFETY
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Don’t Expect Less

Modern technology training and hatch research

All agents have a military or police background, conflict magagment training, ready to protect you and your family in any situation, both physically and verbally.

Utilizing modern technology, training and hatch research, our close protection specialists can provide the peace of mind you and your family need in today’s dangerous, challenging world.

Be safe

Protection Strategy

For each client we will prepare an OPERATION PLAN that will show and optimize to provide you with the best protection strategy.


What We Can Do For You

Sentinel develops effective solutions, provides expert guidance and risk mitigation and protection strategies tailored to client needs. On business trips and holidays, we develop risk-free, safe travel conditions for your safety and comfort.

Close Protection

Public figures and corporate leaders face increased threats of violence, attacks, reputational risks and operational threats.


Creating a safe home environment for vulnerable, protected clients and their families has never been more important.

Emergency Response

Sentinel provides specially trained protection agents who can deter, detect and respond to violent incidents in a covert and inconspicuous manner.

MP and teams

Politicians and sports clubs are important people of high importance, who require special attention, analysis and high standards of protection because there are more threats.

Get In Touch


Bowlers View, Warrington WA4 1DT +447428117368